So a year ago I set myself the 2011 resolution to make a new recipe each week… I didn’t manage it. I gave it a good go however and made some rather tasty things! I actually made my own pasta sauce last night (not that it’s hard), other notable dishes were the fajitas, a quesadilla, a chocolate banana cake, and sausage casserole.
This year I haven’t really set myself a resolution. Things are pretty good for me right now; I just need to keep on track. There’s no point me setting a reading goal, I have faced the fact I’m never going to beat Denise, I only managed about 35 books last year which is pretty shocking and I don’t make enough time to read. A resolution to lose weight would be great but again that’s a work in progress, my two exercise classes a week are keeping me relatively balanced, I should really introduce more fruit and veg into my diet but I know how lazy and fussy I am. My real target is to save more money, I’d love to go on holiday with my boyfriend this year; I’m rubbish at saving but I am trying.
Baking has fallen by the wayside; it is a bit expensive and time consuming. I did make some very nice, cute reindeer cupcakes in the run up to Christmas; there may be a few baking projects during the year but no big plans.
I love my job and that seems to be going well, need to keep working hard and learning new things. I am blessed with a fabulous boss who really inspires and drives me so that helps a lot. I’m still enjoying living with Denise in our lovely little house in Southsea, I can’t wait for the Spring to get gardening and everything will look better in the sunshine. When I’m not there I am spending copious amounts of time with my Mike at his flat with his cat and tortoises, we pass the weekends and evenings on the xbox, watching episodes of our favourite shows or getting out and being social.
2012 looks like it’s shaping it up to be a great year, I hope it’s fantastic for everyone else too!