Tuesday, 29 March 2011

What's My Age Again?

Those who know me will know about my 'interesting' taste in movies, tv series and music, most would see them as incredibly girly and sad at my age (26 in less than a month) The truth is I've never seemed to grow out of being a teenager. I like to think I'm quite mature but chick flicks and high school dramas are extremely appealing to me.

I suppose my dabblings in this genre started with Buffy the Vampire Slayer when it began on the BBC. I was at secondary school, the American high school seemed a far cry from my school days with its mix of sunny days, sarcastic wit, brooding vampires and dark clubs. I bought everything I could related to the series: posters, soundtracks, novels and trading cards. I don't feel guilty about my Buffy obsession, Joss Whedon is still an absolute legend to me and many. The market for show-related merchandise is still as thriving as ever and still compels me (I still need to get my hands on a True Blood Merlotte's Bar and Grill outfit).

During my school days the other big show was Dawson's Creek though it was something I only dipped into, the soundtrack not bought only borrowed and copied from a friend. Movies like Clueless and She's All That offered me ideals of transformation from ugly, lonely geek into a cool, pretty popular girl. These themes still show up time after time in movies and tv shows like Ugly Betty.

Science-fiction or fantasy combined with teen drama has always worked for me. I found my way to Smallville which amused me for a number of seasons before I got tired of the Lana/Lex storylines. (However the episodes I've caught lately look like it has become exciting again with the Green Arrow and members of the Justice League showing up). Roswell satisfied my need for teen romance with it's heartbreaking relationship between Max (an alien in human form) and Liz (a journal writing, sneaker wearing waitress). Although I own all three series boxsets I rarely watch them anymore and mostly find my heartstrings played upon in film format instead. Quite often these are Katherine Heigl movies;, she's come a long way since Roswell.

Once again, those who know me will know how much and how easily I will cry when watching something (it could be anything, even Eastenders or DIY SOS). To be honest, a film that doesn't make me cry clearly hasn't moved me enough, I perversely enjoy a good sob through something like the Notebook if there is a tasty man for me to watch. In my house teen 'dark' fantasy books have become something of a phenomenon. Denise and I consume all sorts of vampire/faery/werewolf series for teens and adults due to their compelling nature and interesting subject matter. The Twilight saga has captured many girls across the world and sadly I have to count myself amongst them. Despite my loathing for Breaking Dawn the rest of the books played on things I love in a book or a film, and have been portrayed pretty accurately in the movies. I am geek enough to say I'm team Jacob (Edward is far too much of a drip for me

Knowing what a weirdo I am, Denise recently passed onto me 'My So Called Life', a nineties high school drama that I had missed. Starring Claire Danes, and 30 Seconds To Mars rockstars Jared and Shannon Leto. I was captivated by the characters and their relationships and then shocked to find only one series was ever made.

Glee gives me a weekly fix of high school musical fun, and True Blood provides my adult vampire fantasy fix with lots of men to oggle. Combining the two, a boxset was lent to me by a friend, something that I hadn't managed to catch on tv and I was a bit hesitant about checking out... The Vampire Diaries however, has me hooked. A disappointment to some that I love it so much, I expected it to be very teeny and tacky and perhaps it is in places, but there are elements like the vampire's thrall that lead me to like it. Along with a character called Katherine and two very hot men, one brooding, one cheeky, I was doomed to like it. I am highly anticipating series 2 when it is released.

I'm not sure I'm ever going to grow out of my fasincation for high-school dramas and attraction to Darcy-esque men. Maybe I just need to find myself a good man, though sometimes I feel I'd rather have a good predictable book or boxset to enjoy. One day I might possibly be able to share my collections with a teen of my own guilt-free.
Well there we have it, I've confessed, I'm a 14 year-old in a 25 year-old's body.

Tonight I look forward to kicking back and watching The Vampire Diaries all over again for the second time in a couple of weeks. Before reading the lastest Wicked Lovely book whilst listening to the Twilight Soundtrack, wearing my Sunnydale High School t-shirt. ;)

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